We think most of you know our story but for those of you who don’t, here we go.
We met in a conference room at the Brocade offices in San Jose, CA one fateful March 28, 2013, where we found ourselves in an interviewer meets interviewee situation. That first meeting was great. In typical Monte fashion, he was loud, friendly, and easy to talk to – exactly what a nervous interviewee needs. Years later Monte would confess that the feedback he provided his manager was “hire her, she’s hot, smart and can do the job.” That seemed to work in our favor, for without that feedback, we likely wouldn’t be where we are today.
As we worked in different office locations, Monte in the Colorado office and Holly in the California office, most of our communication that first year was via phone. We talked to each other A LOT! Often times it was work related, with Monte “translating” some of our manager’s requests for Holly, and often times just us catching up on how the weekend was.
Through many phone calls, a couple of Sales Conferences in San Jose, and a work trip to Colorado, a friendship developed.
We’d always talked about travel, places we’d like to go, and the various places we’d lived. About a year and a half into this friendship, we talked about possibly traveling together one day. As luck would have it, Holly was cooking up a trip to Cabo with friends. We decided that would be a good trip to test the travel buddy waters with, so Holly told the boss she was going to Cabo and Monte told the boss he was going to Arizona for a guy’s trip. In our defense, we were entering into uncharted waters and weren’t ready to advertise to the boss that we were planning a secret rendezvous in Cabo.
We met up at the resort where first introductions to friends were made, conversations were had, cooling off in the pool was happening, and the two for one cocktails were going down like Kool-Aid.
After a couple of hours of pool time, we all agreed to meet up a bit later to go to dinner. Unfortunately, Holly never made it to that dinner. It seems sunshine and doubles don’t mix well – who knew?! But this is where the story gets good because although Holly got sick, in true Monte form, he cleaned up after her, tucked her into bed, then went to dinner with her friends, who he had met for the first time just a couple of hours prior. What a champ!
Monte shot Holly a text after dinner to see what he could bring her to which she replied, “just my dignity” to which he replied, “afraid we’re all out of that.” So instead of her dignity, he brought her Mexico’s finest version of Saltines and 7-Up.
While we may have been slowly falling in love with one another through phone conversations and Sales Conferences, this trip to Cabo was the catalyst for what has been 9 years of learning about and loving one another.
It turns out, we’re each other’s “kind of crazy”.
So, we are going back to Cabo, where it didn’t all begin but where it certainly solidified, to celebrate our love by getting hitched on the beach. We hope you’ll join us! See you in Cabo!